Amigo Technology

Note: This case study is a work in progress, but feel free to check it out!

Amigo technology is a cloud-based marketing platform, and gives enterprises a better way to change, in less time, with less cost and less risk.

The brief

Max got in touch with me, asking if I’d be interested in redesigning Amigo’s website. Not only this, but he wanted me to help them move over from WordPress to Jekyll, a lightweight static site generator.

Using this framework, it not only saves money in hosting, but it’s fast, and working through GitHub makes it extremely easy to collaborate and update the site.


Amigo’s colour palette

a vibrant colour palette including teal, aqua, yellow, purple, black, and white


a screenshot of different types of buttons

The homepage

For the hero section, Max wanted something clean while using an animation to keep things lively, so I ended up implementing a moving gradient animation using Amigo’s vibrant colour palette. The video above is sped up for demonstration purposes.

Service page

Max wanted users to be able to easily move between sections in style. So I implemented a vibrant fixed bar to the top of the page, which takes you to each service in a smooth manner.

For mobile, the bar scrolls horizontally.


Helping the visually impaired

I had accessibility in mind from the beginning, and made sure Amigo’s site performed efficiently for as many people as possible, no matter their disability.

I made use of semantic elements as much as possible, and used ARIA labels, which helps people that use screen readers understand the content better.

Improving the colour contrast

I made sure that the colours of the text and backgrounds sufficiently passed contrast tests.

In fact, I suggested making their main teal colour a tiny bit darker for text and backgrounds, while keeping it unchanged for decorative elements. This small change gives it a bit of an edge in readability:

a comparison between teal and a slighter darker teal

What he said

Ashley did a great job helping out with Amigo Technology's website redesign and redevelopment. I would recommend him 👍

More Information

  • Framework: Jekyll
  • Languages: HTML, SCSS, JS, and Liquid
  • Completed: May 2021
  • Live site (may have been modified since)


Colour scheme:

Left-handed mode:

More options coming!